Leica GS12 ROVER with CS15 controller

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Leica GS12 ROVER with CS15 controller

Leica GS12 ROVER with CS15 controller. 99782288 GS12 GNSS SmartAntennaCS15 3.5G Field ControllerGPS+GLONASS+GALILEO----- KIT INCLUDES -----2x GEB212 Battery internal Li-Ion 2600mAhGHT63 Pole clamp for attaching GHTGHT62 Holder plate for CS field contr.GKL311 single Charger Prof 3000GEV192 AC/DC-Adapter GKL112/311 EUGEV235, AC/DC-Adapter f. CS15/CS10 EUViva GNSS Rover containerMSD1000, SD memory card 1GB

Leica GS12 ROVER with CS15 controller|Faro|Internal Batteries|1 built-in battery

99782288 GS12 GNSS SmartAntennaCS15 3.5G Field ControllerGPS+GLONASS+GALILEO----- KIT INCLUDES -----2x GEB212 Battery internal Li-Ion 2600mAhGHT63 Pole clamp for attaching GHTGHT62 Holder plate for CS field contr.GKL311 single Charger Prof 3000GEV192 AC/DC-Adapter GKL112/311 EUGEV235, AC/DC-Adapter f. CS15/CS10 EUViva GNSS Rover containerMSD1000, SD memory card 1GB

Brand: Faro

Category: Internal Batteries

Product: 1 built-in battery

Price: $4629